Pop up menu,when mouse clock with in a textview


I have a textview placed in my gtk window. I need to create a popup
menu when i press the right mouse button with in the text
view.Actually i tryed something,but not a complete solution.I created
"$menu_edit"--menu...textview refereneces are right..
Actually i dont know in which signal this code apends..Now im trying
with textview--button-press-event....Iam getting the right button key
as 3.One problem is textview already has a default popup,which
contains cut,copy..etc...

when i pressed right button with in the textview the default popup
appreas first..then a small rectangle displayed...but no menu



My code....

$source_text->signal_connect('button-press-event' => sub{
    my ($widget,$event)= _;

sub test_button_release
    my ($widget,$event)= @_;

    my $button_nr = $event->button();
    ($button_nr == 3) &&( $menu_edit->popup(undef,undef,undef,undef,0,0));


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