Re: Size of scrolled window

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:00:51PM -0400, Feng Yu wrote:
Hi Jose,

What do you mean by as much of .... as possible?
Do you mean 'as much as possible unless it exceeds the screen height?'
Yes, that is it.

Then perhaps you can get the treeview's size requisition, compare it with
the screen height, then resize the toplevel window(the dialog), before the
dialog shows up.
Would that be done just before calling the gtk main loop? To implement
that, I will need functions to:
* get the requistion for the widget before it is shown
* get the screen height
* set the default window height
I will try that.


2009/4/29 José Romildo Malaquias <j romildo gmail com>

One application has a dialog with a tree view widget based on a
list store. The tree view is inside a scrolled window with
PolicyNever and PolicyAutomatic policies for the horizontal and
vertical scrollbars, respectively. See attached image.

How can I automatically get the dialog height large enough to
show as much of the tree view lines as possible, without using
the vertical scrollbar?

José Romildo

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