Re: Utf8 strings manipulation


what I would do (not necessarily the smartest thing;) is try to
determine what strings I'll be operating on. If I'm operating on
ANSI/iso8859-1 strings, I don't need to use uft8-specialized
functions, since characters from those have the same codes in all

That thing out of the way, we can go and convert our string. I would
do it with glib's string manipulation functions like this (example

==== CODE ======
#include <glib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

main( int argc, char **argv )
    gchar *string = "gtk_source_completion";
    gchar *string_new;
    gchar **parts;
    gchar **parts_bk;

    printf( "%s\n", string );

    parts = g_strsplit( string, "_", -1 );
    parts_bk = parts;

    for( parts; parts; parts++ )
        gchar *tmp;
        tmp = g_utf8_strup( *parts, ( g_utf8_next_char( *parts ) -
*parts ) * sizeof( gchar ) );
        memcpy( *parts, tmp, strlen( tmp ) );
        g_free( tmp );

    string_new = g_strjoinv( NULL, parts_bk );
    g_strfreev( parts_bk );

    printf( "%s\n", string_new );

    return( 0 );

==== /CODE =====

Hope it's been helpfull.

2008/9/29 Perriman <chuchiperriman gmail com>:
Hi all,

       I'm trying to transform an utf8 string. I have some problems
with it because I don't know how to do it or where I can see an
example (a tutorial, doc or application).

I need transform this text (in utf8):




I don't know how replace a character or delete a character. Perhaps I
need to allocate a gchar* array first and then use g_utf8_strncpy in
all _, I don't know. In that case, I don't know how much memory I need
to allocate.

Can you help me?

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Tadej BorovÅak
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