How do I intercept keys in a Gtk::Entry widget?

Hey All,

I'd like to process the right arrow key in a Gtk::Entry widget (so, for
instance, if the cursor is at the rightmost insert position, I'd like to do
something special) but if I connect to the signal keypress event as so:

// LXWidgetEntry inherits from Gtk::Entry

bool LXWidgetEntry::OnKeypress(
    GdkEventKey* event) // [in] event from the system (with key, state,
    if (event->keyval == GDK_Right)
    {  // Do my thing here

    return false;

I never get the right arrow key (I can get other keys, such as Tab, but not
keys the entry control uses).

Once I get the key, how do I either let the widget continue to handle the
key in some of the cases?

Thanks in advance!

Garth Upshaw
Garth's KidStuff

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