[win32] Spawning process : Invalid argument


I have a specific MS Windows problem when I launch a process.

The code :

    string command = "%s  -n --sort=no --fields=-k-f-s-t+K+l+n -f - \"%s\""
                       .printf (Config.VALIDE_CTAGS_EXEC, filename);
    Process.spawn_command_line_sync (command, out output, null, null);

The command launched :

ctags-vala  -n --sort=no --fields=-k-f-s-t+K+l+n -f -

And the error message :

** (valide.exe:3732): DEBUG: Could not execute ctags: L'exécution du
programme d'aide a échoué (Invalid argument)

I don't have this problem under Linux or when I launch this command in
Windows console :
E:\msys\home\gsjz8662\valide_bin\bin>ctags-vala -n --sort=no
--fields=-k-f-s-t+K+l+n -f -
DocumentState   E:\msys\home\gsjz8662\valide\abstract-document.vala
24;"    enum    line:24 language:Vala

Have you an idea ?

Nicolas Joseph

Responsable de la rubrique GTK+ de developpez.com /
In charge of the GTK+ section on developpez.com


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