Re: GLib - Spawning Processes

The following code is just simplified version of
the real one, but the behavior is the same.
It works fine here.

Failed to execute helper program (Invalid argument)
The gspawn-win32-helper.exe program isn't found. Depending on your
GLib version. this either means that it isn't in your PATH (in GLib <
2.16) or that it isn't in the same folder where libglib-2.0-0.dll is
(GLib >= 2.16).

Run the program with the environment variable G_SPAWN_WIN32_DEBUG set
and you will see debugging information printed to stdout, like this
for me:

calling c:\devel\dist\win32\glib-2.18.0-2\bin\gspawn-win32-helper-console.exe
with argv:
argv[0]: c:\devel\dist\win32\glib-2.18.0-2\bin\gspawn-win32-helper-console.exe
argv[1]: 4
argv[2]: 5
argv[3]: z
argv[4]: -
argv[5]: -
argv[6]: -
argv[7]: y
argv[8]: -
argv[9]: -
argv[10]: C:\Windows\notepad.exe
argv[11]: NULL


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