Re: gtk_icon_view enter and leave signals like in gtk_button


For displaying the tooltips on your items, you can simply create new
column in your iconview's model that holds tooltip texts, call
gtk_icon_view_set_tooltip_column and you're done. (Reference docs:

As for the single click, I would suggest connecting GtkIconView's
"button-press-event" to some function, in which you obtain clicked
item with gtk_icon_view_get_path_at_pos. (Reference docs:

A prototype of a callback function should look something like this:

static gboolean
cb_button_press( GtkWidget      *view,
                GdkeventButton *event,
                gpointer        data )
   GtkTreePath  *path;
   GtkTreeIter   iter;
   GtkTreeModel *model;

   path = gtk_icon_view_get_path_at_pos( GTK_ICON_VIEW( view ),
           event->x, event->y );
   model = gtk_icon_view_get_model( GTK_ICON_VIEW( view ) );
   gtk_tree_model_get_iter( model, path, &iter );
   gtk_tree_path_free( path );

   /* Manipulate your code further */

   return( FALSE );

2008/11/29 Vasiliy G Tolstov <v tolstov selfip ru>:
I'm write program that displays plugins in icon_view, i want to display
description when the mouse cursor on sample icon, and execute some code
then the user take single click on it.
Does it possible with icon_view? I need signals like in gtk_button...

Vasiliy G Tolstov <v tolstov selfip ru>

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