Re: gtktextview with gdkpixbuf saving into file

anyone know a way to save a gtktextview/gtktextbuffer with embedded
gdkpixbuf into a file.

A correction to the suggested solution:
In the procedure

void open_gtb (GtkTextView *textView, const gchar *srcFileName)

delete the call:

gtk_text_buffer_deserialize_set_can_create_tags (
 buffer, grtDeserializeFormat, TRUE);

I thought that only the tags which do not exist will be created,
but in the reality if a tag with the same name allready exist,
the deserialize procedure changes the name of the inserted tag
by adding "-1" at the end of the name.

Another possibility would be to retain the enabling of the inserting
and after the deleting of the content by the call

gtk_text_buffer_delete (buffer, &startIter, &endIter);

to add the deleting of all tags this way:

gtk_text_tag_table_foreach (
 textTagTable // gpointer data

where the callback funcion "remove_tag_foreach" is defined:

void remove_tag_foreach (GtkTextTag *tag, gpointer data) {
gtk_text_tag_table_remove (
 data, // GtkTextTagTable *table,

But this variant cannot be used if there are other buffers sharing the same tag table, because the markup in them would be lost.


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