Re: Delayed events

On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 21:26:54 -0800
"Roy G. Biv" <kroylar gmail com> wrote:

Hello everybody!

I am just learning how to use GTK+ and have run into a problem.  After
having followed Micah Carrick's Glade3 tutorial, I have learned that
using GtkBuilder seems to be the best way to do things.  Therefore the
method that he used in his tutorial is the how I'm doing it too.  On
to my problem...

I have created a window that contains a single combobox widget named
combobox1.  In this combobox I have listed a few different colors.
And in glade I set the a handler named "on_combobox1_changed" for the
"changed" entry under GtkComboBox.

My C program contains this function:

void on_combobox1_changed (GtkComboBox *widget, gpointer user_data);

My guess is you have something weird in your event loop: you
should post the code.


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