Duplicating windows behaviour with GtkTreeView & selections, drag & drop

In windows, "normal" behavior for selections & drag and drop is as follows:

*click* ....... select 1st thingie
*shift-click* .... select the last of a group of thingies, and have all those in between marked as selected.

*press* *drag* *release* .... move thingies to wherever

However, normal GTK behavior when left to it's own devices is as follows:

*click* ..... select 1st thingie - same as windows
*shit-click* ..... select the last of a group of thingies, and have all those in between marked as selected - again, the same as windows.

*press* .... D'oh! My selections have now been unmarked, and the only thing selected is the one under the cursor when I pressed the mouse key

The problem is that the selection(s) are made on the button PRESS, whereas under windows the selection(s) are made on button RELEASE. So my problem is this: Since I'm developing an application under windows, how do I get my app to handle selections/drag & drop "properly", the way it's done under windows, WITHOUT having to intercept button press/release combinations and manually code the appropriate behavior?

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