pango package for win32 broken


are you aware that the pango package for win32[1] is broken? The module
directory is not present in the zip file. Because of this no fonts are
rendered and only a missing char (small box) is displayed for each char.

I tried to compile gtk+ and so pango and all deps with a cross
compiler on Linux, but I failed. I get all deps compiled, but I fail
with glib. If I use glib as binary then pango fails to compile.

Are you able to replace the broken pango package in short time?

Is there an alternative runtime+devel package for recent gtk+ version?

I like to get gtkmm running on top. But it seems the gtkmm installer
fails, because it doesn't include gtk+.

Please help me to get a recent gtk+ devel environment working on win32.
I assume more people have the same problem.



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