Getting a colormap...

I'm using giflib to create a GIF image from raw GdkPixbuf pixel data. Everything works... except the colors are really screwey. I'm using a default, 16-color color map from the source of a utility in the giflib code. I assume that's the problem. When I save the pixbuf as another format using gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer(), the image looks fine, so it's not the pixbuf that is the issue.

So I figured gdk_colormap_get_system() would work... it sets colormap->size to a non-zero value (256, I think), but colormap->colors is NULL. Such is the case when I run gdk_rgb_get_colormap(), as well.

My question is, how can I get a colormap with it's "GdkColor" pointer non-NULL, pointing to a structure filled with RGB values that I can use to pass to giflib? I'd like also to be able to choose the bit-depth of this colormap. gdk_colormap_new(gdk_visual_get_best_with_depth(8)) returns colormap->colors being NULL, as well.


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