Re: compiling gtk-apps in win32

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Embiza Tadesse <lahja2000 yahoo com> wrote:


I have VC++ 2005 ee in my windows xp.
How do I compile my gtk c code then.
I treid it using VC++ 2005 ee  and compiles fine but the
output is that of a previously compiled file.

I also tried using the cmd.
I cd into my project directory and run: gcc/g++ hello.c -o hello
'pkg-config -cflags --libs gtk-+2.0' but it says:
'gcc'/'g++' not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch.

Actually I don't have a c gcc or g++.

How do I compile my gtk application.


You will only have GCC/G++ if you've installed MINGW in Windows.
Additionally, I've found using Code:Blocks, a free IDE, makes working with
GTK in Windows a cinch.  You also get the advantage of being able to use
Code:Blocks in Linux and share the workspaces and all that jazz.

Code:Blocks -

~ Ashwin

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