Re: tips for making pretty ui


On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 3:34 AM, Christopher Harvey <arbuckle911 gmail com>

I think I've got the ropes of gtk down pat, except that I don't know how to
create cool and unique windows. I want to create a small window that sits in
the dock most of the time, then pops up a small window then it's clicked on,
or a key combo is pressed. The important thing is that it has no window
border, isn't moveable and has tiny widgets, audacious is a good example
here. I know it isn't recommended to go against the default system settings
but in my case it makes sense because I want this window to stay out of the
way as much as possible and have a distinct look and feel. I've never used
an RC file before, but any tips or links to tips to help me tweak gtk
widgets and windows are appreciated.  I've never done anything like this
before and tutorials are hard to come by.

There is no official GNOME dock, and panel applets are becoming less and
less popular as unofficial docks (e.g. AWN) become more popular.

 I've been doing work on a universal applet format that can "plug in" to any
dock/panel/sidebar. (We still haven't decided on an official project name,
but you can find the project on
freenode under "Universal Applets.") At the moment, applets can only
as floating toplevel windows, but there's already been a little bit of work
on integration with AWN.

Until Universal Applets matures, your best choice is probably to write a
program that has an icon in the systray/notification area. You can connect
to the icon's appropriate signals and popup a little window underneath the
systray when its clicked.

You can use the function gtk_window_set_decorated in order to hide the
window's borders.

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