Dynamic color setting of GtkListStore/TreeStore selection cursor


I have a question regarding the color of the cursor/selection of the
selected item(s) in a GtkListStore or GtkTreeStore.

I'm currently able to set the colors of individual cells by associating
the 'foreground'-property of a TreeViewColumn/CellRendererText to a
certain column in a liststore.

That works nice, but the selected item(s) remain in a certain default
theme-determined color. It would be nice if there were some 'foreground
selected' and 'background-selected' properties.

For instance, if I have cells with a black background and colored text,
then it would be nice if the selected items are not in the default
theme color. Instead, they should have black text and the associated
color as the background (i.e inverted).

Is this possible? Anyone a useful hint for me? :)

Thanks for your time in advance,


Raymond Dresens.

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