Re: newbie doubt with gtktutorial

using the backticks( ` ) works in cygwin shell (but not in DOS)

There is no (MS-)DOS involved at all in Windows XP. Saying "DOS" when
you mean "Command Prompt" or "cmd.exe" is pointless and silly. But
yes, you are right of course, backticks work only in a Unix-style

when i try to run it it asks for some dlls (mostly starting cygX*.dll )
so i copied these dlls to the code directory

Copying DLLs around is never a good idea. (Copying .so files around on
Linux is not a good idea either.) (Unless in some very specific
circumstances when you know exactly why you are doing it.) Instead you
should simply set your PATH so that the DLLs in question are found.
Although in this situation that would be pointless, too, as:

You need to run this from a cygwin shell, since that's what provides
the X display.

And you need to start the X server first, too. Just running a Cygwin
shell without any X server running won't provide an X display.
(Alternatively you could have your GTK+ app display on some other
machine running an X11 server, for instance a Linux machine. X11 is
after all a networked window system.)

The GTK+ provided by Cygwin is for the X11 backend.

If you don't know what X11 is and how it is used, then you shouldn't
be using the GTK+ provided by Cygwin. Generally with "GTK+ on Windows"
one does not refer to GTK+ with the X11 backend on Cygwin, but GTK+
with the Win32 backend on "bare" Windows.


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