Re: OpenGL interface

On Thursday 03 January 2008 19:02:03 Peter Hildebrandt wrote:
Happy new year everyone,

I'd like to use opengl in my gtk application.  I've come across GtkGLArea
[1] and GtkGLExt [2].  The former appears to be undocumented, while the
latter is according to the website no longer actively maintained.

The latter website says:

  "GtkGLExt has new maintainers! More information will be available soon."

Which one should I use?  Or is there a different solution out there?

I am working on linux (Ubuntu 7.10, GTK 2.20).

You can use the package popularity contest to find out what most other people 
are using. This is an excellent way to jump straight to mature software!

I get:

  libgtkglext1: 42,020
  gtkglarea5:    8,148

  libgtkglext1-dev: 2,614
  gtkglarea5-dev:     652

So the newer GTKGLExt library is substantially more common among both users 
and developers. I actually use GLArea from OCaml and haven't had any 
difficulties (although I don't distribute in compiled form).

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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