gtk theme under windows without installation

I want to use a gtk theme in my application (yeaah it's easy), but, to
simplify the distribution of my app under windows I put all gtk dll (and
dependency) in the app's folder, so there is no real gtk installation.

Before, a solution existed by using module_path in the gtkrc file to specify
the path where the application would look for the engine but now the only
solution seems to be by using the GTK_PATH.
that's the problem.. no installation, no GTK_PATH defined..
So is there a way to specify the engine folder in the gtkrc file or in my
program? else, a way to specify the GTK_PATH ?

I hope I'm clear because I'm french and my english is not always very good.

Thanks in advance!

PS: I'm coding in C++ and obviously, the theme I want to use need an engine
to work (else there hadn't any issue)

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