Re: Text View Complaining about Double Free or Corruption


 I'm not sure what in your #include "common.h", but I placed the following
in mine

 #include <stdlib.h>  /* for abort() */
 #include <gtk/gtk.h> /* for gtk, gdk, and glib */
I have a few other things, but these are included and the app also
build fine for me. I can even run it under Ubuntu and it behaves
exactly as I'd expect. It was pointed ou
 With that single change the program compiled and executed without error
message; as I would have expected.
Thanks for taking to time to respond.

I too can compile and run the application without any problems under
Ubuntu; however, when I run the same application cross compiled under
DirectFB/GTK, it complains about double free / corruption. It was
pointed out the my destroy handler should actually be defined to
return void, but this didn't seem to affect anything.

The crazy thing is that I only get this error when adding a text view.
All other widgets (buttons, pop-ups, labels, sliders, etc.) seem to
work just fine. Is there anything different about a text view and
calling gtk_widget_destroy on it's parent? Should I destroy the text
view explicitly instead of relying on the parent to clean things up?
Perhaps I should handle things myself and follow some "special" or
"preferred" order when destroying the text view within the window?

I assume the text view can be handled just like any other widget, but
there appears to be something special or different about it.

Again, thanks.

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