Placing Widgets over another on the screen

Hello all,
i created two widget classes. The first one (Widget A) draws a simple square with a predefined color in a 
drawingarea .
This widget should have four members of the second widget (Widget B) which has the same architecture and
draws a simple self-defined symbol.
The placement on the screen should finally look like that the four little symbols are placed (like in a hbox) 
the square. The color of the symols has to be changed during runtime by events/callbacks.
Everything compiles well, with program start Widget A is created and drawn and also all four Widgets B can be 
When trying to add the Widgets B to A like gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(Widget_A),Widget_B); the console
creates an error that Widget A (of coursce) is no Containter-Class but Widget A-Class...
Q1) Is there a way to configure my Widget A to contain others widgets so they can be drawn too like mentioned 
Q2) Is there another principial mechanism to draw widgets over another
Best regards
Gersys GmbH, Hans-Urmiller-Ring 46c, D-82515 Wolfratshausen, Germany
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Erwin Sterzer, HRB 137 872 Muenchen, Fon: +49(0)8171 9986-6
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