Re: question on GtkScrolledWindow

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Iago Rubio wrote:
| Hi Gregory,
| On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 20:31 +0800, Gregory Hosler wrote:
| Hi,
| I have 2 questions on GtkScrolledWindow
| The 1st.
| I want the scroll bar to be "looser". As an example. Suppose I have one item, an icon, in
| a horizontally scrollable window. Lets say that the window is 200 pixels across, and the
| icon is 10 pixels, with scroll bar "always on" (GTK_POLICY_ALWAYS).
| The default visual will be like this:
|> [snip]
| What I want is the ability to move that individual icon from side to side. This means I
| want a smalled scrollbar, so that I can scroll the window "off the screen". Something like
| this:
|> [snip]
| How might I achieve this ?
|> I'm not completely sure about your requirements, but I bet you'd better
|> look the docs about GtkViewport.
|> You can put into it a broader widget so it can be scrolled "out of the
|> screen" ... well, it's just scrolled out of the container window ;-)
|> Check the attachment for an example.

Thanks for the highlights.

Your attachment didn't make it. I'd appreciate if you might resend the attachment example.

Thanks, and best rgds,

- -Greg

| Secondly, How do I control that scrolling programmaticly. i.e. Lets say that then user has
| clicked on a button and my response to that click is (among other things), to re-center
| the scrolled window (or to center it on a different object).
| Which method(s) might I want to be looking at ?
|> Take a look on GtkScrolledWindow/GtkViewport adjustment (GtkAdjustment).
|> You must fiddle with its value. Again, check the attached example.
| I've looked at the GtkScrolledWindow DevHelp page, and, well, perhaps I'm just not used to
| the terms on that page to recognize what I need to look at.
| Many thanks in advance.
|> Hope this helps.
| -Greg Hosler
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| | Greg Hosler                                 ghosler redhat com    |
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Please also check the log file at "/dev/null" for additional information.
                (from /var/log/Xorg.setup.log)

| Greg Hosler                                   ghosler redhat com    |
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