GtkTreeView row colors

I'm having trouble figuring out how to change the font color/weight for each row individually in my GtkTreeView. I'm using a GtkListStore and want the rows color coded depending on the data used to fill the row. Actually, I want color coding based on data which is *not* actually displayed (textually) in the view. So I know the colors when I fill the list with data.

I found this message gnome org/msg25005.html that refers to a per-cell callback. I don't want a per-cell callback and I can't tell, per-cell what color something should be. Only one color contains the information needed to even look up the color information.

Here's more detail: I have an application that probes to detect a set of devices connected to the computer. Some of those have open connections, some do not. The ones with open connections should be colored one way, those without another.

Can someone point me in the right direction here?



                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
roland rlenter com                            6818 Madeline Court
roland astrofoto org                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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