Re: can anyone explain what is this sql query?

thanks dave, the link help me very much..

On 8/19/08, Dave Foster <dave foster gmail com> wrote:
This seems to explain it:


On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:46 PM, paragasu <paragasu gmail com> wrote:

#define CONTENTS_DEL_SQL "DELETE FROM order_contents WHERE order_id =
##oid::gint AND product_ref = ##-0::gchararray AND quantity =
##-2::gint AND discount = ##-3::gdouble"

i take this from the official gnome-db documentation

unfortunately, i don't know what the ##oid:gint or ##-0::gchararray or
##-2::gint or ##-3::gdouble mean (inside the delete query). And i cannot
any documentation on it. i want to know what the -0, -2 or -3 mean ..

can anyone point me  a link for me to read more, i am more than happy if
can explain it to me.. thank you
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