Re: inserting model in a GtkTreeStore

----- Original Message ----
From: Carlos Pereira <jose carlos pereira ist utl pt>
Cc: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 12:10:27 PM
Subject: inserting model in a GtkTreeStore

Hi all!

To insert the various nodes in a GtkTreeStore, the code below works for me.
The problem is, this should not work, because I am handling a
GtkTreeIter as if it was some sort of integer, while it is in fact a 

The current child node is the next parent node, so I would expect the 
way to do this would be to copy the current node iter to the parent 
iter, and
because these are structures, I would have to copy their contents...

What is the standard way of doing this? I am confused!


GtkTreeIter insert_row (GtkTreeStore *store, GtkTreeIter *parent, char 
GtkTreeIter iter;

gtk_tree_store_append (store, &iter, parent);
gtk_tree_store_set (store, &iter, 0, label, -1);

return iter;

void insert_model (GtkWidget *treeview)
GtkTreeStore *store;
GtkTreeIter iter1, iter2, iter3;

store = gtk_tree_store_new (1, G_TYPE_STRING);
iter1 = insert_row (store, NULL, "Node 0");
iter2 = insert_row (store, &iter1, "Node 0:0");
insert_row (store, &iter2, "Node 0:0:0");
insert_row (store, &iter2, "Node 0:0:1");
gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview), GTK_TREE_MODEL (store));
g_object_unref (store);


I believe this is copying the struct (which is allowed as of c99 or something, I believe).  Now, if you leave 
the function and try to use one of the copied structs, it probably won't work, becuase these iters were 
allocated on the stack, and will have been freed.  You can do that only if you only will use the iter in the 
current function, otherwise you'll want to use it as a pointer instead.

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