Still the multi-textview in scrolled win in notebook problem ...


i am still fighting with a strange problem. Some things need to be combined to
trigger it:

- I have a tabbed notebook
- One initially not visible (read: not the first) tab contains a scrolled win
- Inside this win are mutliple textviews (or gtkhtml views) in a vbox or table
- At least one of these texts contains a newline

Then the textviews will initially not display the entire text but only the part
up to the first newline in the text. Once i click into the text everything is 
corrected and the entire text becomes visible. If any of the above things 
isn't there (e.g. no notebook or not multiple textviews) everything displays fine.

But if all four things come together the text is truncated after the first newline.
This is even worse with a gtkhtml view as this isn't even updated if i cklick into
the view.

I have attached what i think is the shortest program demonstrating the problem.
I am seeing this problem with gtk 2.12.0 under ubuntu as well as with  gtk 2.10.12
under maemo/hildon on a n810.

Please have a look at the attached example.


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