Keyboard Event Focus

Hello list,
i have a mplayer running in my application. Keyboard events are used to navigate
and to switch between different video sources.
When the player is in a QVGA-mode (just a quarter of the VGA-Screen) the 
keyboard strokes are registered correctly in the application, but when the video
is displayed in VGA (a small border generated by the app is still around and in
the foreground) the events are catched from the mplayer and i can´t navigate no
more. The same problem exists if i display four QVGA videos arranged in the
four quarters of the screen, every seperated by it´s own border.
FYI: The app is running on X, but without Window Manager on an ELinOS-System.
I think it´s a problem of focus, but i do not know how to get the focus on e.g. the border
Is there a possibility to solve this with sth like an event box?
Best regards
Gersys GmbH, Hans-Urmiller-Ring 46c, D-82515 Wolfratshausen, Germany
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Erwin Sterzer, HRB 137 872 Muenchen, Fon: +49(0)8171 9986-6
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