Re: Row number in TreeView


One way is to create a Selection when you define the treeview, then
whenever a double-click selection occurs your callback will be called
with its parms point to the row that was selected.  the callbacks params
will have the current and correct path as input params.

review this tutorial for selections for information and review the
examples include in 'gtk-demo'; a gtk demonstration program installed on
your machine when gtk's development libs were installed.  try '#
gtk-demo" then choose treeviews.

GTK TreeView Tutorial


On Sun, 2007-09-16 at 00:32 +0100, Lukasz Gromotowicz wrote:

Hi all,

I know it is probably something simple, but I am new to the gtk. I have a
TreeView and associated ListStore. I am trying to get the row number after I
double-click on it. I have a "path" which I think I should use, but I do not
know how.

Could anybody help me please?

Best regards,
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gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

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