Re: Conversion functions.

On Tue, 4 Sep 2007, Magnus Myrefors wrote:

I tested my code with valgrind and I got some error-messages
that derived from my own code.I changed the code and then
the error-messages disapperad. I still get wrong values that 
seem to occur randomly though... 

As Yeti said, you should try writing and compiling a _minimal_ 
program to test the issue in question.  This means a trivial 
program that links to glib and uses g_ascii_strtod to read a data 
file and print the results to stdout -- but no pango, no gtk!
The latter libraries are just obscuring the issue.

Possible clue: how are you generating the input file?  Is it 
possible that it contains silly stuff such as non-breaking space 
(decimal 160)?

Allin Cottrell

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