Re: gtk_widget_show() not showing window

[By the way, the bug report in question is ]

I wrote:


This test program is a minimal set of code that demonstrates
the problem. My real question is, should the show_all/hide/show
sequence work?

skoona verizon net (James Scott Jr) writes:
Thus a _show_all. _hide, and _show should be netted to the effect of
a single  gtk_widget_show(); unless there is an opportunity to process
the gtk_main() loop in between calls; and I didn't see that.
Is this your experience?

James, thanks for your responses.

On my FreeBSD-6.2-STABLE system, with gtk-2.10.12_2 or gtk-2.10.14,
the window flashes briefly and then disappears. It acts as if the
second show call has no effect.

I'm now of the belief that gtk+ or something it relies on is broken
on my system. I'm not sure where in the gtk+ code to start digging,
and am hoping for some guidance from someone familiar with the code
to suggest further tests I can conduct.


G. Paul Ziemba
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