Re: Toggle and the Inconsistent Property

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 01:07:48PM -0400, dhk wrote:
What is the inconsistent property to a toggle?  

I want to be able to flag rows in a treeview for possible deletion so
they can be reviewed before flagging them for deletion.  So the check
box needs to have three states, kind of like the minesweeper game,
checked, unchecked, and an inbetween state.  Does anyone know how to do

The "inconsistent" property is to display the toggle as
in-between, or rather neither-yes-nor-no, state.

However, what you describe does not really look like an
in-between state.  You have two states:
- not marked for deletion
- marked for deletion
where the second has two sub-states.  I suggest to think
about a different presentation than abusing "inconsistent"
(adding a small mark to one of the substates for instance),
especially since the rendering of the states is theme



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