Re: Maybe I need to use threads. I've been using gtk_main_iteration_do() but having problems

After reading my initial question, I think I should've worded it

On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 16:12 -0600, Jeff Eberl wrote:
First is that the display doesn't do anything when my program is doing
it's thing.  So it looks like it freezes.  I'm okay with that.  I've
never used threads before, and I'm not sure this is the best project to
start with.  
ofcourse this can be fixed by splitting up whatever your app does into
smaller less cpu/load intensive itterations thus updating the gui more
often, but that involves work (just like integration your execution
into timeout/idle callbacks would involve work).
That's true, except when the parts that are taking away from the gtk
loop are user prompts.  This has really become a minor issue now though.

Second is the most annoying part.  Since there is no loop,
gtk_main_quit() doesn't work, and when I click the little [X] in the
corner, the destruction begins, calls my WindowDestroyEvent that I set
up in the signals, but my program has no idea that the window has been
How can your program have no idea that the window is being closed
if you set the signal handler for "delete-event" ?

I should have mentioned that there is a class that I use that is a dort
of gtk wrapper that connects this signal to it's function.  I don't
really want to change it though, because a lot of other code depends on
that working properly.  Making it virtual and inheriting it wouldn't
cause too many problems.  That's then next thing I'll do.

  Then the program keeps making the same calls to gtk.  So gtk
spits out a bunch of messages about how everything is failing.  

Is there a way to check to see if the window has been destroyed?  I
could put a member boolean that changes when WindowDestroyEvent gets
called but that seems like a suspicious hack.  
However you do it, its definitely up to you to bookkeep that information
(some might keep a pointer to the active display window and set it to
NULL when the window is destroyed, I dont see how thats better than 
a boolean variable).

For elegancy, you might want to add it to a structure that gets passed
around to all callbacks instead of crudely packing it into global scope.


That's the info I needed.  If anyone wants to disagree with Tristan and
tell me that there actually _is_ a way to check that, then please do.
Otherwise, I think my question is answered.  Thanks.

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