Re: timeout function not called

Thanks James for giving me my first experience with Thread programming!
I tried the code you sent me, but unfortunately, I still can't get the progress_update function to run, looks like it never gets called. Any idea why this might be happening?
growPart still runs.



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GTK program before.  The ret=wait(null) causes execution to stop at that

point and wait for growPart() to finish. A way to get around the logistics of fork() is to use threads directly. Consider the following;

/* globals */
gboolean  b_pulse_control = FALSE
GThread  *grow_thread_id = NULL;
gint   global_ret = 0;

b_pulse_control = TRUE;
timer = g_timeout_add(50, (GSourceFunc) progress_update,

grow_thread_id = g_thread_create ( growPart_thread, &b_pulse_control,

static gboolean progress_update (gpointer progressbar)
     if (b_pulse_control)
         return true;
    } else {
        global_ret = GPOINTER_TO_INT( g_thread_join (grow_thread)  );
        return FALSE;


static gpointer growPart_thread(gpointer b_pulse)

     /* do work */

     *b_pulse = FALSE;
     g_thread_exit( GINT_TO_POINTER( 1 ) );


I would do the passing of control values via a structure to avoid the use of globals,
but this should work for you.

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