Re: Problem compiling on Windows

Argh. Duh. Cool, thanks. It's all working now. Thanks guys.

- Micah Carrick

 Developer -
 GTK+ Forums -

Tor Lillqvist wrote:
Try gcc -Wall -g `pkg-config --cflags --libs libglade-2.0` -o hello hello.c

Even that is wrong in general, and only works on some ELF-based
platforms like Linux. To work on most platforms (including mingw), one
has to specify the libraries *after* the object (source) files. This
is how it has always been in Unix. Try:

gcc -Wall -g `pkg-config --cflags libglade-2.0` -o hello hello.c
`pkg-config --libs libglade-2.0`

I would also make sure it uses "-o hello.exe" explicitly, just to
avoid possible confusion. If you use autofoo and libtool, this should
happen automatically.


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