Re: Re: Problem about create gtk program on Windows

Thank you all for your detailed reply.

I've solved the problem successfully.:)

Thanks again.


2007/3/31, Vincent Geddes <vincent geddes gmail com>:

Hello Kun Niu

On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 20:35 +0800, Kun Niu wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm new in gtk field on Win32 platform,
> But I've got the following problem
> I successfully created a gtk program and it runs well.
> But each time I run the command, a black command line window appear on
> screen.
> Can I disable the black command window?
> If so, how to?

You need to mark your executable as a win32 GUI application.

If you are using mingw, the linker flag "-mwindows" will do that. Pass
it like this:

LDFLAGS="-mwindows" ./configure

Here's some more information about this win32 peculiarity:

- Vincent

> Sorry to trouble.
> Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Kun
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