Re: Thread-save posting of events

On 3/28/07, Tobias Rapp <t rapp noa-audio com> wrote:
that. But what is not clear to me is how to place an event in the event
loop of another thread. If I raise an signal the connected slots will be

The usual recommendation is to keep all GTK stuff (including the main
loop) in one thread.

You can call g_idle_add() from another thread, and the callback will
be executed by your main loop thread when it's next idle.

PS: Does anybody know about a good tutorial/example on the net
demonstrating how to port Win32 (service) applications to GNU/Linux?
When searching with Google I find a lot useless pages about Wine or
.NET/Mono .

IBM developerworks has articles about windows -> linux porting:

Not sure how useful they are.


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