Hello Tristan ==> Re: Gtk Focus chain

Hi Tristan;

    Thanks for your reply. I want to explain the problem raised by
Madhusudan. For example, if I want to pack 5 widgets (4 buttons and 1
textentry) in 2 different ways

|          | textentry  |          |
|   2      |       3    |    4     |                     Diagram - 1

|        |______1_____ |           |
|        | textentry   |           |
|   2    |_____3______ |    4      |                          Diagram - 2

Now if we consider the above given 2 scenarios of paching; we can see that 

1. The first diagram use 3 Hboxes, and then 3 widgets are packed inside the
middle Hbox, where the middle widget 3 is one  

2. The second diagram uses 3 Vboxes, and then 3 widgets are packed inside
the middle Vbox, where the middle widget 3 is 
   one textentry

Though both the packing are not much different visually; but they have one
difference in behaviour

In diagram - 1, if initially the focus is on widget 3 (textentry), and we
press TabBackward, the focus goes to widget 2... This behaviour is correct,
physically and logicallly also, as Widget-2 is on the left hand side of
widget - 3

Now in diagram-2, if initially the focus is on widget 3 (textentry), and we
press TabBackward, the focus goes to widget 1... This behaviour is logically
correct considering the packing of the widgets; but its physically incorrect
as TabBackward should first move the focus on the left widget considering
the chain....But widget 1 is above widget 3 , so considering the physical
positions of the widgets in the window, the focus is going to widget-1,
though it should have gone to widget-2

Similar kind of difference in focus movement can be seen with TabForward
also... So I want to remove this kind of discrepancy with the TabForward and
TabBackwad movement, by creating another focus chain based on the physical
locations of the widgets.

Please tell me how to proceed, and if there is any api for this

Thanks in advance


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