GtkTreeView total height.

Hi all!

I'd need to compute the total height of a treeview based on the
amount of rows its model has.  I've tried with the following
code but I had to set some constants that obviously works in my
specific setting but I would like to know to what correspond
that unknowns.

Thanks in advance.

Here the code:


static guint
get_row_height (GtkTreeView  *tree_view)
        guint row_height = 0;
        GList *columns = gtk_tree_view_get_columns (tree_view);
        GList *current = columns;
        while (current) {
                GtkTreeViewColumn *renderers = gtk_tree_view_column_get_cell_renderers
                        ((GtkTreeViewColumn *) current->data);
                guint cell_height = 0;
                GList *current1 = renderers;
                while (current1) {
                        GtkCellRenderer *renderer = (GtkCellRenderer *) current1->data;
                        guint height;
                        gtk_cell_renderer_get_size (renderer, GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view),
                                                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &height);
                        if (height > cell_height)
                                cell_height = height;
                        current1 = g_list_next (current1);
                g_list_free (renderers);
                if (cell_height > row_height)
                        row_height = cell_height;
                current = g_list_next (current);
        g_list_free (columns);
        row_height += 4;  /* horizontal-separator ? */
        return row_height;

        gint grid_height = n_rows * get_row_height (tree_view)
                + 35;  /* header height ? */


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