RE: Running external program inside a widget

Excuse me but I'm new to GTK+: at which moment I have to call the system()
function to run the external program I need (a web browser, in this case)? Do I
have to use two different source files to implement this mechanism (run the app
as a GtkPlug, give it the ID of the GtkSocket, ecc.)? If not, which are the
steps to implement this on a single source file?
Thank in advance for answers.

Quoting Kumar Siddharth <kumarsiddharth tataelxsi co in>:


You may use GtkSocket(in Host App) and GtkPlug(in Embedded App) for this.

TATA Elxsi

-----Original Message-----
From: gtk-app-devel-list-bounces gnome org
[mailto:gtk-app-devel-list-bounces gnome org]On Behalf Of
omar crea jusan it
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 7:24 PM
To: GTK+ mailing list
Subject: Running external program inside a widget

Hi everybody.
Do anyone know how to include an external program to a widget of the main
I have a main window containing a notebook, and in one of the notebook's tab
want to show an instance of a browser (Opera) inside a GtkDrawingArea(), and
not to show the external program in its own new window (not associated to my
application). My hardware is a Nokia N800 (tablet PC).
Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.

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