Slow gui response - need to see gtk queue

I can't figure out why my gui becomes sluggish.  I have a main window with a bunch of vboxes and hboxes - in 
one area, I don't put in a widget - because I load glade.xml files (so you can swap your views).  I should 
say that I have some custom widgets, and I've been pulling them out so I can see if the fault lies in my code 
or not.  But, when the application is first run, everything is fast.  If I leave it up for a few hours (or 
overnight) - it becomes very slow.  Even the mouse over of a button highlight takes 5 or 6 seconds.
  I'm assuming that the fault lies in my custom widgets, and that they are calling redraw too much, so it 
creates a "back-log" of redraws in the gtk even queue.  But I don't know how to look at the event queue to 
determine the true cause.  I've run the debugger and stopped it a bunch of times, but that's hit or miss.  Is 
there anyway to examine the queue in a debugger?
  This application is designed for showing information - not really processing user/gui events.  As data 
comes in, it updates different displays.  I've played around with the frequency of updating the gui and that 
doesn't seem to help (even 1 second per gui update becomes slow).
  The custom widgets I wrote can run overnight without delay when I code them into an application - so I'm 
starting to think that maybe the xml parser or how gtk handles the xml widgets might be the culprit.
  Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide - I can't seem to get this one, and I don't know what 
else to try.

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