GtkHButtonBox and the styles from the gtkrc.

I am creating an application, in the midst of which I've discovered a certain quirk in GTK+ which I'm hoping can be disproved. I want to set the spacing in between buttons of a GtkHButtonBox to a certain number, let's say 10 pixels for example's sake. My ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file looks like this:

style "foo" {
       GtkHButtonBox::padding = 10
       GtkHButtonBox::spacing = 10

class "GtkHButtonBox" style "foo"

I believe that this is adequate to achieve what is required. It does not however do anything. I have spent quite a lot of time instigating why this is. I know that what I have in my gtkrc file is referencing the correct widget because other properties like "min-child-width" do affect the HButtonBox. This led me to do a little digging around the GTK+ source code to find this:

GtkWidget* gtk_hbox_new (gboolean homogeneous, gint spacing) {
 GtkHBox *hbox;
 hbox = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_HBOX, NULL);
 GTK_BOX (hbox)->spacing = spacing;
 GTK_BOX (hbox)->homogeneous = homogeneous ? TRUE : FALSE;
return GTK_WIDGET (hbox); }

Which is the ONLY way I know of constructing a new HBox. HButtonBox allows you to construct a new HButtonBox without any arguments to the function gtk_hbutton_box_new(). This leads me to believe that the HButtonBox construction function gives default values to the HBox construction function (although I haven't found this). Now, my assumption is that because the only way to make a HBox is by specifying the homogenous and spacing properties, that this overrides those that were given in the gtkrc file. Is this correct? And if so, is there any way I can get HButtonBoxes created by GTK+ to use the values from my gtkrc?

Thank you.

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