RE: combobox internal padding

Paul Pogonyshev wrote :

Medora Schauer wrote:

I have the problem even when the widget does not have focus.

It doesn't matter.  The padding is still there, as window
size changing because of its getting focus would look strange,


Yeah, I finally figured out what you were referring to.

I tried changing focus-line-width, focus-padding and interior-focus
to 0
and nothing changed. The defaults for the padding and width were
only 1
anyway and I'm seeing more than 1 pixel of padding.  The theme rc
doesn't modify them.

Could there be hard coded padding?

I would *really* like to get rid of that wasted space.

Not that I can see by briefly scanning GTK+ code.


Thanks for trying.  I appreciate it.

There seems to be more "dead space" above the text than below it. In
fact it looks like there may only be 2 pixels below but more than 2
above. I wonder if controlling the y alignment of the text might help?
The combobox properties list doesn't include a y-alignment setting but I
think I'll keep looking for a way to set it.


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