Showin files of type MNG and SVG

Dear all,

Me name is Joaquim Duran fro AD Telecom ( We are evaluating the use of gtk+/gtkmm to develop a graphical application for an embedded device.

Currently I'm performing some tests about how GDK/Cairo renders some images. I've tested (in addition to GIF and PNG) SVG and MNG with the following issues:

- SVG: SVG's images with no animation are drawn OK, but SVG's with animation, the animation is not done.

- MNG: are not rendered.

Libraries versions:

Gtkmm: 2.10.6
GTK: 2.10.9
Cairo: 1.3.14
librsvg: 2.16.1

Please, could you tell me if these are known issues or I'm doing something bad?

Thanks and Best Regards,
Joaquim Duran

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