tooltip on gdk_pixbuf in gtk_icon_view


I have an icon_view with gdk_pixbuf only. To avoid alignment
problems with the text under the icon in the iconview I thought to use a tooltip showing what the icon is for:

prefs_data->prefs_liststore = gtk_list_store_new ( 2, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYPE_UINT); prefs_iconview = gtk_icon_view_new_with_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL(prefs_data->prefs_liststore));
        g_object_unref (prefs_data->prefs_liststore);

        gtk_widget_set_size_request(prefs_iconview, 80, 140);
gtk_icon_view_set_orientation (GTK_ICON_VIEW (prefs_iconview), GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
        gtk_icon_view_set_columns (GTK_ICON_VIEW (prefs_iconview),1);
        gtk_icon_view_set_pixbuf_column (GTK_ICON_VIEW (prefs_iconview), 0);
        gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scrolledwindow1), prefs_iconview);

        gtk_list_store_append (prefs_data->prefs_liststore, &iter);
icon_pixbuf = gtk_widget_render_icon (prefs_iconview, "gtk-execute", GTK_ICON_SIZE_DND, NULL); gtk_list_store_set (prefs_data->prefs_liststore, &iter, 0, icon_pixbuf, 1,2,-1);
        gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, icon_pixbuf, _("View"), NULL);
        g_object_unref (icon_pixbuf);
        gtk_widget_show (prefs_iconview);

I get errors during runtime because I can't set a tooltip that way on a gdk_pixbuf, can someone help me please?
Giuseppe Torelli
Bioinformatics Programmer
Laboratory of Molecular Evolution

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Villa Comunale 80121 Naples - Italy
Tel 0039 81 5833428
Tel 0039 81 7641355

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