Re: how to replace a child of a GtkBox ?

gtk_notebook_get_tab_label() will get the widget. That will give you the reference to your GtkHBox. You can then get the pointer to the GtkImage (assuming image is first child) from the children GList of the GtkBox. Just off my head, maybe something like...
GtkWidget *box, *image;

box = gtk_notebook_get_tab_label (GTK_NOTEBOOK (notebook));
image = GTK_WIDGET (g_list_first(box->children)->data); gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE (image), "new-image.png");
- Micah Carrick

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 GTK+ Forums -

Gregory Hosler wrote:
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Hi all,

I have a GtkNotebook, and for my tab's I built a GtkBox, with 2 children. a
GtkImage image, and a label.

Now I wish to update the GtkImage, either with another GtkImage, or replace it
with a GtkPixbuf (depending upon, well, stuff...)

My question(s):

        - How do I remove the old object from the GtkBox ?

        - How do I "free up" the old object (image/pixbuf) ? Do I
          simply unref it ?

        - Is there an easier way to replace one child (of the GtkBox)
          with another object ? (as opposed to removing the old object
          and adding a new object).

        - Since I'm replacing the FIRST object in the box, I assume that once
          I add the new object I will have to gtk_box_reorder_child() it to put
          it in the position I want, yes?

Any thoughts, comments appreciated.

Best rgds,

- -Greg Hosler

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| Greg Hosler                                   ghosler redhat com    |
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