Re: launching Nautilus window

On Dec 11, 2007 9:23 PM, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak <mjc avtechpulse com> wrote:
Can someone point me to the correct way to launch a Nautilus window from
a gtk application (i.e., context menu -> open this folder in Nautilus).

The Portland project at is doing this:

It's still quite new though, I don't know how many linuxes include it
(Ubuntu 7.10 does at least).

The command-line interface is very simple. Just do:

  system( "xdg-open /my/directory/path" );

And it opens the specified file in the user's preferred application
for files of that type. For a directory, you'll probably get Nautilus
on a Gnome machine.

There's a DBUS interface as well.


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