Re: Finding API documentation by function name

Thanks for the advice, I will try using docbook with a custom script
to convert the output as necessary. At the moment I'm simply using
sgrep to search the html files in devhelp and converting them to plain
text with html2text; it's crude but it gives me some information about
which methods have been wrapped. You can see my efforts here:

Btw, there's a language-binding mailing list? I couldn't not see it on, how do I subscribe to this list?


On Dec 2, 2007 7:38 PM, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:

On Tue, 2007-11-27 at 23:24 +0000, Raja Mukherji wrote:
Hi all,

I'm writing a binding generator for my language to Gtk and want the
generator to be able to insert documentation into the generated code
automatically. Is there any existing program/script for getting the
documentation associated with a specific api function? For example:

<program> gtk_about_dialog_new

could print out the lines (as copied from devhelp):

Creates a new GtkAboutDialog.

Returns :
      a newly created GtkAboutDialog

Or it could (preferably) print them out in XML, or some other structured format.

I could probably fashion something myself, possibly from the files
that devhelp generates, but I was wondering if anyone has already done
so, or knows of any existing solution.

gtkmm does this, and does some transformation of the text to make it
more suitable for our API. It's perl in our gmmproc tool, and uses this
which is generated by this script:

Our gmmproc tool allows us to override this automatically-generated
documentation where necessary.

I CCed the language-binding mailing list.

murrayc murrayc com

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