Re: Send mouse button press event to widget??

On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 05:24:21AM -0700, eminemence wrote:

I am creating a virtual cursor on a web page and want to simulate the left
click of the mouse button
when the user presses the enter button.
So I tried even using the gdk_event_put on the global window itself,assuming
the event would find it's 
way to the control under the cursor.
The gdk_event_put has not been successful,so what is the way to achieve

I don't recall a working example now (the Gtk+ source code
has some though), but:
- create the event with gdk_event_new()
- fill the fields
  - cursor position (in GdkWindow coordinates) can be obtained
    with gdk_window_get_pointer()
  - window fields have to be g_object_ref()ed IIRC as
    something unrefs them later
  - send_event should be TRUE
  - other information can be obtained from the original
    event or other means
- send the event with gtk_widget_event()
- free event
- remember if you send a button presses and no button
  releases, widgets can get confused



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