Re: gtktreeview

On Wed, 2006-08-23 at 14:45 +0200, Andrea Zagli wrote:

is there a way to have various cellrender type for each row for the same
column? Example:

row 1 with gtkcellrenderertext
row 2 with gtkcellrenderercombo
row 3 with gtkcellrenderertext
row 4 with gtkcellrenderertoggle

You _might_ be able to do this packing cell renderers like this:

  [text renderer] [combo renderer] [toggle renderer]

and then connecting each renderer's "visible" property to a boolean type
model column and then setting the values in the model so that only one
of the three renderers is visible for each row. Never tried it myself,
but it might just work with a bit of fiddling.


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