Curiousity about GtkSpinButton

Hi, folks,

I have browsed through the GTK Reference but did not find a clue about a strange behaviour of GtkSpinButton which I could see using GDB stepthrough. When I click ONCE one of its buttons (up or down), the callback function (on_spinbutton_change(), for example) runs NOT once, but two or three times! The output of all the operation is correct, but why does the callback run so many times? While running the program in GDB the thing is even more strange, because it looks like the program "sees" one more button click, and then the value is stepped up or down twice with only one mouse click!

Might I have one more question for you? Changing the GtkSpinButton value directly in the entry field does nothing, even when pressing TAB or ENTER. I can deduce that the entry field is treated just like a GtkEntry, and it might need a callback for the "activate" or "changed" signal. However, I would like that this action was "catched" and processed by the same routine called as a callback for the GtkSpinButtons up or down arrows. How is this done? I think I might simply tell Glade to connect these signals to the same handler, but it just doesn´t seem to be The Right Thing...

Thank you all and regards!

Fabricio Rocha
Brasilia, Brasil

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