Re: How to scale Gtk-GUI application

ashish mondal wipro com wrote:

  I want to scale my Gtk-GUI application (which is basically large in
size, not fitted with the screen) dynamically depending upon screen
size. I am thinking that can be done by modifying .gtkrc-2.0 file.

  Please help me, how can I modify .gtkrc-2.0 file or please tell me any
other approach to solve this.

Well, you haven't really told us anything about your app, so we can only provide generic answers. One thing you can do so your GUI elements are repositioned automatically as a containing window grows or shrinks is to put the elements into layout widgets. See, for example, vbox and hbox. That approach does not do anything with font sizes, so if you want those to change as well, you'll need to handle that yourself when you get a resize signal. However, automatically changing fonts is not typically done; instead, permit the user to select a desired font.

Guy Rouillier

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